The Women Who Purposefully Made Stilettos a Permanent Part of Their Public Image

Actresses - Z

Kimora Lee Simmons Once Said ...

"You Can Do Whatever It Is You Put Your Mind To and You Can do it In Stilettos" ...

… amen to that, presenting here the living proof !

Whether they make us laugh, make us cry, make us think or move us, we can all agree, actresses rule.

All women want to be them, all men want to date them.  

We look at the red carpet and all we see are the perfectly shaped silhouettes of the women on our screens, the women we admire so much draped in their fabulous gowns, wearing designer heels …

… that is for those few who made it all the way to the top. We must however never forget the hard road it took most of them to get there, inspite of being extraordinarily talented, not to mention the 9 out of 10 who never made it.

So here is my utmost respect for our leading actresses’ determination, their perseverance and the quality of their work, an end result we could never live without.

And most of all my thanks and heartfelt appreciation, for despite everything going on in their lives, reading the gossip about them in the media, never failing to look stunningly beautiful, elegant, walk with poise and remain graceful in the midst of 1000’s of fans jumping them for autographs.

So let’s all be quiet, sit back, relax and allow our leading ladies to present themselves in …. stiletto heels.

Dan Brown

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